In Campus Xavi, from a holistic perspective, we bear in mind all the methodological orientations involved in the process of learning football.

We use a methodology global and systemic, based on the joint development of the different capacities (techniques, tactical, physical, and psychological) of the players.


  • Using methodological football tools adapted to the level of the players.
  • Working on different game situations to reach an understanding of football.
  • Knowing and applying the different tactical concepts of the game.
  • Adapting the game to the children and hereby facilitating their understanding.
  • Improving the tactical intelligence of the player through constant decision-making.
  • Working with small groups of children of the same age.

With this system, we aim to facilitate improvement in the comprehension – execution of the game and consequently the tactical awareness of every participant at the Campus.

GOALKEEPER TRAININGduring the week we will perform 3 specific sessions for our goalkeepers.